Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Electron Bubbles?

Electron Bubbles

You are creating all the bubbles at night
I'm chasing round trying to pop them all the time
We don't need to trust a single word they say
You are creating all the bubbles at play

--Biffy Clyro, Bubbles

These are my rough brainstorms and I know that my pictures look like garbage, but I'm not going to spend hours on this.

Electron Bubble refers to a concept conceived by mentally-ill quantum mechanics and particle physicists. The referent of 'electron bubble' lacks form, and cannot possibly exist. They are appearances, or patterns conceived from an empirical analysis of the chamber. One could say electron bubble is synonymous with space but this is misleading and ultimately useless.

What roughly happens is 'electron' threads are injected from an electrode into a group of super-cooled helium atoms contained by a metallic canister. In the canister, helium atoms are cooled to what they call a liquid state. This merely refers to a relation of helium atoms where they are just shy of stationary in reference to one another. In other words the helium atoms aren't travelling far in relation to one another like one would except of a gaseous relation. Their relation is more liquid or solid like, but there is no bonding between the atoms.  Just low frequency light signals exchanged between them via EM Threads inherently connecting the Helium atoms to one another.

When a beam of gazillions of electron threads are forced into the canister of super-cooled helium atoms, what happens is that helium atoms wedge the beams, thus splitting the beams into subsets of electron thread and these press against the helium atoms and get redirected in circular, spherical or all sort of patterns between the CETD locations of the helium nuclei. These electron threads form a pattern akin to mishap-pen cocoons. So a cocoon would IMHO be an analog, not bubble. Many countless of these cocoons of electron thread form between the helium atoms and may temporarily separate the helium atoms, a little. The helium atoms in a liquid state contain the electron threads.  However, some electron threads might even tunnel through helium atoms and back through cocoons. Thread is interfaced throughout the canister and worked in all sorts of directions. If the current is kept up some cocoons will push helium atoms aside and appear to move to the bottom. If more electron threads are burst into the chamber more cocoons will temporarily form. If the electron threads of the electrode are induced to burst in at higher speeds and numbers perhaps some electron thread of the helium atoms will be pulled out of the nucleus.

electron bubbles are like cocoons of electron thread forming between the super-cooled Helium atoms

In reality, electron must refer to a temporary location where and when 'electron' thread crisscrosses, overlaps, superposes to a critical density. This enables that location to temporarily participate in light phenomenon and enables that threaded location to be pushed or pulled on by incident magnetic or electron threads all of which are twisted in helices, are inherently wavy and ultimately rooted back in proton. The anti-parallel crosses or twists of thread running along electron or magnetic threads or EM Ropes, account for the particle like behavior.  These threads can push and pull on atoms, specifically locations of the atom that have attained critical thread density (all fundamental interactions of the Universe involve Thread, and at least one Thread in the interaction must have attained critical density: an intersection, overlap, or superposition of Thread through which no more Thread may penetrate).  When a beam of gazillions of these electron threads is lead into a chamber . . . the helium atoms, specifically the locations of helium atoms that have attained critical thread density, force the beam to split up, sort of like roots growing out of the main root. These continue to whirl around the chamber until bubbles begin to appear (note I said appear).

The electron threads must also need EM Ropes to cross through so as to attain a critical thread density (this would certainly be the case in a metallic chamber, there would be countless EM Threads crossing through and intersecting). This maybe why their precious electron is measured as 1/1836 the mass of a proton. There are less electron threads involved in the CETD relation as opposed to the critical thread density location at 'proton'.

There is no splitting of wavefunction into parts or any of that mumbo jumbo. In addition since thread is being redirected in all directions there will be some crisscrossing of electron thread through cocoons. They may temporarily establish a CETD which can signal light to an observer (because all the atoms of the observer are connected to all the atoms of the objects of the experiment); and the physicists might gleefully think that they have captured, contained or isolated an electron.

"Here is some of the b.s. coming out of the quantum mechanics/particle physicists mouths:

"Electrons . . . only exist as oscillations . . . they exist as a wave function, or a probability distribution."

[Me: impossible for oscillations and wavefunctions to exist. Wave and oscillate refers to the action of electron threads.]

"If the physicists are correct, then some of the wave function pieces must actually hold the electron and others do not. It may be possible in the future to narrow down the location of an electron. Dividing and trapping pieces of the wave function can increase the likelihood of finding the electron."

[this is how mentally-ill they have become. They imagine themselves dividing and trapping pieces of a concept: wavefunction]

Read more at…/could-quantum-mechanics-change-fo…/…

"Experiments led by Humphrey Maris, professor of physics at Brown, suggest that the quantum state of an electron—the electron's wave function—can be shattered into pieces and those pieces can be trapped in tiny bubbles of liquid helium."

"Electrons are elementary particles, indivisible and unbreakable. But what the researchers are saying is in some ways more bizarre."

[this is true, to divide a probability into pieces is more bizarre and they take pride in their insane thoughts. What they have failed to realize is that their electron refers to a crisscross, overlap or superposition of gazillions of thread. If a set of these threads is unreeled from a metallic atom and focused into a beam that collides with adjacent atoms then it can be divided into multiple subsets that continue to move around.]

Read more at:

So then . . .

Giggles then dribble from my lips.
Bubbles to breeze. Thousands.
Not one popping. Bubbles forever.
Just floating forever.
Popping forever.

From Mark Z. Danielewski's Only Revolutions

Some crude visual aids:

In summary: Classically, bubble refers to atoms in a liquid relation containing atoms in a gaseous relation. In this conception of electron bubble helium atoms crunched together in a so called liquid state split, redirect and contain the injected beam of electron threads so that they temporarily cocoon between the helium atoms. However vice verse some of these cocooning electron threads contain helium atoms pushing up against them and in addition can tunnel through the helium atoms and back through the cocoons. Of course both helium atoms and electron threads are contained by the metal.

So bubble may be an analogy, but the mathematical physicists have electron bubble defined as the empty space created around a free electron in a cryogenic gas or liquid of helium or neon. That just doesn't cut it. The helium atoms are not containing discrete electron balls (unless those balls are continuous convergences of electron thread).  And it i
s clear from the descriptions that something more is happening here than meets the eye.

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