I haven't done a religious post in a while. I am still working on my interpretation of Genesis 1:3, etc. which I call the light-event. I also want to do a series of illustrations explaining what I think is the electron. But in the meantime here is a quote from Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich from her recorded visions that has always struck me. She is describing Adam and Eve before the Fall:
Their hair fell in five glittering tresses, two from the temples, two behind the ears, and one from the back of the head.
I have always thought that by the Wounds of Jesus, there were opened anew in the human body portals closed by Adams sin. I have been given to understand that Longinus opened in Jesus' Side the gate of regeneration to eternal life, therefore no one entered Heaven while that gate was closed.
The glittering beams on Adams head denoted his abundant fruitfulness, his glory, his connection with other radiations. And all this shining beauty is restored to glorified souls and bodies. Our hair is the ruined, the extinct glory; and as is this hair of ours to rays of light, so is our present flesh to that of Adam before the Fall. The sunbeams around Adam's mouth bore reference to a holy posterity from God, which, had it not been for the Fall, would have been effectuated by the spoken word.
Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich should be made a Saint. Like yesterday.
Now that I have a new, and what I think is a rational, physical interpretation of the electron, the half integer value of the spin quantum number seems deeply significant. In a fundamental interpretation it could describe the location where EM Rope (considered as a single close looped whole) spins in reverse directions. Links of EM Rope re-twist in reverse and that is the electron. At these locations, the EM Rope redirects itself, it transforms. Hence the inverse function or inverse work. Without this opposition hydrogen atoms would be impossible. I think mainstream calls this the weak interaction, but they have no object such as Thread or Twined Thread to explain it. And to be quite frank, light and the electron do not interact since each of these in their context refer to concepts. At the electron, the fundamental entity, the Thread, twists in reverse directions, and superposes, aligns with the converging EM Rope that imparts form to the proton. A critical number of these superposing EM Ropes and electron thread is a location where they influence one another. They turn one another CW or CCW, and this is a primal light event. I call this Critical Ethereal Thread Anomaly.
But where two opposite spinning signals along the Twined Thread meet at the proton . . . a single closed looped magnetic thread protrudes outward. Two opposite spinning signals of the Twined Thread equals one of an electron double helix, four two, six three, and so on until we have the unit mass of the hydrogen atom (and not to mention a new source of tension a.k.a inertial mass). For 2 two EM Ropes there is 1 electron thread. Or in terms of mainstream, we assign photon a value of 1 and electron a value of 1/2. The Thread itself has no spin value and this they validated in the Higg's Boson project without defining or understanding what they are verifying or validating. In any case, this would be an alternative way to interpret the half integer value.
When we added the + and – signs then we would be describing the dynamics of a double helical thread in its excited and/or ionized state. A twist of the electron double helix in one direction (+, CW) equals the absorption of two light signals (or reel in of two links) coming from opposite directions along an adjacent EM Rope. So the corresponding electron double helix builds itself upward, winds up. Two twists in one direction equals the absorption of four and so on. The two incoming signals pressing in from both sides could correspond to various wavelength and amplitude of EM Rope thus an electron juts out in different trajectories which seem unpredictable or improbable and this is the origin of Born’s uncertainty principle, but the electron is not literally ‘smeared between two states’. That is sheer nonsense and a failure of the founders of quantum mechanics to imagine light and the electron. If a laser is used to induce a hydrogen atom to excitation or ionization then many double helices may beam out along the same imaginary axis and interfere with each other since many electric axles of the proton could be aligned along the same imaginary axis (note that the assumption is that the hydrogen atom is a crisscrossing convergence of EM Ropes coming from all the atoms of the Universe).
One twist in the opposite direction (-, CCW) equals the emission of two signals (or release of two links) bidirectionally along an EM Rope. So the corresponding electron double helix collapses downward, or winds down.
I’m sure there are other ways to interpret the spin quantum number. For example the switch between half integer to integer values (1/2, 1, 3/2, etc.) if we multiply s by n where n = 1, 2, 3, etc. could represent the emission and absorption of light signals. In this scheme an integer represents a new link built up in the double helix, a half integer before it represents the absorption signal needed to build up the new link. When a new link is built up a light emission occurs because a torque is bidirectional motion.

my rough illustration of an electron double helix (not to scale)
And I now think the whole shell/subshell concept is bunk as is the orbital idea. I think these ideas mislead. The threaded magnetic loops or electron threads that constitute the electron are things that jut out. Heck they blitz out. A spiked clothing of light around the proton. And the value of the electron ideally equals one because each electric axle of the proton has a threaded double helix structure protruding out from it . . . charging out from it. When they came up with the value of one they didn't realize that the electron in its context refers to a concept. If there are 2 gazillion electric axles of the proton in a single hydrogen atom there are 2 gazillion magnetic loops or double helices protruding out (note: Each threaded double helix has its own EM field and intrinsic magnetic moment because of its structure and rotation). In any case, divide them and you get one. One in my understanding would signify unity, stability, completeness, wholeness, etc.
In hydrogen, the electron moves under the electromagnetic influence of the proton. (Rigden, Hydrogen the Essential Element, p. 251)
A rough draft of my new physical interpretation of the electron. I've got a lot crammed into this picture, but essentially when one of the links of a tightly tied rope like entity is pressed in from both sides a loop forms. From this I conceived that the electron must spiral upward into a double helix like structure with a closed tip:

So I just assume that the electron for say a hydrogen atom is a nest of a gazillion magnetic loops inseparably linked to electric axles of the proton. These fork out from converging EM Ropes coming from all the atoms of the U. These looped magnetic threads spiral upward and downward, constantly twisting signals similar to light and in fact inducing light. It is only when they are pulled out to great lengths that they form arcs and combine to produce magnetic fields which structure persists with time because light signals have to slowly push them back into a loop. But this can be delayed by getting stuck on protons.
Not that most people, even physicists would care, but this conception of the electron has great explanatory power. It should be able to work with most if not all the famous experiments done on hydrogen and the electron. It should be able to work with some famous math equations like Dirac's and Schrodinger's. Notice how it literally takes on the shape of a rectilinear ray or beam. An electron, literally, is a twisted ray of thread. An electron blitzes outward from the proton at great speeds. These beam like structures can twist signals of various frequencies and so they are fittingly called radiant matter by Sir William Crookes. They basically have the same form and motion as light postulated and explained by Gaede in EM Rope Hypothesis and Thread Theory.
This structure and motion of the electron would explain the supposed wave/particle duality of the electron. The tip or the twists could be able to apply pressure meanwhile the form is inherently wavy! One can see similar forms in some diagrams of a solution for Schrodinger's equation. The closed tip could get redirected by a magnetic field or by a proton, in other words diffracted.
This unique triple twined structure and motion is able to illustrate the conservation of energy and momentum.
This form has parallel and anti-parallel 'lines' inferred in the magnetic moment experiments and predicted by Dirac's equations. The motion explains the torque inferred in the magnetic moment experiments. The form also has inherent angular moment, and a spin up in one direction and spin down in another direction. The electron literally winds up and unwinds down. It has Bohr's energy levels in discrete values. Each twist is what mainstream calls a photon or a particle. It explains Dirac's sea of photons/particles in the electron cloud. It is sad. Mainstream thinks, or has been led to think, that particles are spontaneously created and annihilated when these so called virtual particles are really the threaded magnetic helix continuously twisting up and down at various frequencies.
My conception also shows how the electron charges outward and collapses. Really the tip is twisted outward in relation to the proton but this value is much weaker than the charge, i.e. rushing motion, of the proton since the proton is comprised of more Thread.
Most importantly this form is able to generate push and pull simultaneously. It is able to pull in and push out light signals along the parallel EM Rope worked into the assumption of light and gravity. It provides a mechanism whereby the Thread could be reeled in and released out. The electron can form new links of thread perpendicular to the proton. And again as I have mentioned numerous times on this blog, Nature is continuous. The fine structure works, continuously via the Thread configured in a rope like form to and from atoms as well as through atoms.
This form and motion of the electron could help explain a host of phenomena, such as electricity, atomic magnetism, some modes of ionization, some gamma and X signals, Compton scattering, light relay, chemical bonding, aurora, lightning, superconductivity, Cherenkov Radiation, photoelectric effect, pair production and a host of other phenomena, foremost electricity. It also gives something of an interpretation of those weird spirals seen on the particle physicist's reconstructed bumble chamber images.
For all practical purposes nuclear radius and charge radius are synonymous.
Charge radius is a concept they use in their electron scattering experiments, the first of which was done under Rutherford's direction. All they did was emit helium ions at gold foil. After this experiment they knew that some central region of the atom is impenetrable. Rutherford surmised that the atomic center is the seat of an intense electric field and came up with the name Proton (literally meaning first). Since then they have measured the size of this impenetrable 'electric field' to be about 0.8775(51)*10-15 m.
But the question remains, what is it that they are measuring???? A field refers to a concept. Concepts relate objects. So what is it that causes atoms to deviate from their normal trajectory when they come close to this 'electric field'. What is a proton? What is its form? What is it comprised of? Meanwhile there is this very nebulous concept called charge. What does charge relate???
Around 1997 Gaede came up with a mercurial model and assumption of the Hydrogen atom. He supposed that the proton is a crisscrossing convergence of electric threads coming from all the atoms of the Universe. So the proton is shaped like a star. It is an intersection of electric threads. I have many pictures of the proton in previous posts on my blog. Some of these are reconstructed images of the proton done by the very scientists who use billion dollar equipment and yet do not understand what the proton in reality is.
Under Thread Theory assumption, as we approach the center of the proton electric thread density increases. The location where all the electric threads converge is impenetrable. There is a critical density of thread through which no more thread can pass. Thus when Rutherford's Helium ions came close to the gold atoms they were redirected. Essentially what happened was the tips of the magnetic threads of the Helium ions crossed paths with the critical density of electric threads of the gold atoms. A gold atom is a fusion of 79 hydrogen atoms. Thus there should be 79 impenetrable locations clustered in the center of a gold atom. For all practical purposes we can call these protons or the nucleus, but it is extremely important to note that these protons are not discrete entities. Protons are symmetrical and continuous entities. Their structure is supplied by EM Ropes coming from all atoms of the Universe. Gazillions of EM Ropes coming from all atoms of the Universe fork out to straight electric thread/axles and magnetic thread arcs. These are inseparably paired. The Magnetic Arcs oscillate as well as spin around their paired electric axle. For the motion of the magnetic arcs of the electron shell we like to use analogies such as pumping and jump roping.
Rutherford et al could not locate every single impenetrable location with their experiment. They just assumed a conceptual charge radius. The way the word 'charge' was used meant that this relates a fundamental interaction within the network of matter. Force, that is push or pull can only work with a critical density of Thread in at least one of the objects of the interaction. Thus a proton can push through thread or pull thread, usually that arced thread of an electron. It does not carry charge, rather it charges, like a horse. Horses don't carry their gallop. They gallop. Protons don't carry their charge. They charge. And they can change location by shifting along the electric axles of which they are made. This is probably what the scientists detect as nuclear spin, at least for the Hydrogen atom. As we move around the periodic table proton spin could be induced by some spinning magnetic arcs of the electron. In any case a proton can move toward or away from any atom of the Universe to which they are connected via their electric axles. They slide through EM Rope and induce it to torque.