In hydrogen, the electron moves under the electromagnetic influence of the proton. (Rigden, Hydrogen the Essential Element, p. 251)A rough draft of my new physical interpretation of the electron. I've got a lot crammed into this picture, but essentially when one of the links of a tightly tied rope like entity is pressed in from both sides a loop forms. From this I conceived that the electron must spiral upward into a double helix like structure with a closed tip:

So I just assume that the electron for say a hydrogen atom is a nest of a gazillion magnetic loops inseparably linked to electric axles of the proton. These fork out from converging EM Ropes coming from all the atoms of the U. These looped magnetic threads spiral upward and downward, constantly twisting signals similar to light and in fact inducing light. It is only when they are pulled out to great lengths that they form arcs and combine to produce magnetic fields which structure persists with time because light signals have to slowly push them back into a loop. But this can be delayed by getting stuck on protons.
Not that most people, even physicists would care, but this conception of the electron has great explanatory power. It should be able to work with most if not all the famous experiments done on hydrogen and the electron. It should be able to work with some famous math equations like Dirac's and Schrodinger's. Notice how it literally takes on the shape of a rectilinear ray or beam. An electron, literally, is a twisted ray of thread. An electron blitzes outward from the proton at great speeds. These beam like structures can twist signals of various frequencies and so they are fittingly called radiant matter by Sir William Crookes. They basically have the same form and motion as light postulated and explained by Gaede in EM Rope Hypothesis and Thread Theory.
This structure and motion of the electron would explain the supposed wave/particle duality of the electron. The tip or the twists could be able to apply pressure meanwhile the form is inherently wavy! One can see similar forms in some diagrams of a solution for Schrodinger's equation. The closed tip could get redirected by a magnetic field or by a proton, in other words diffracted.
This unique triple twined structure and motion is able to illustrate the conservation of energy and momentum.
This form has parallel and anti-parallel 'lines' inferred in the magnetic moment experiments and predicted by Dirac's equations. The motion explains the torque inferred in the magnetic moment experiments. The form also has inherent angular moment, and a spin up in one direction and spin down in another direction. The electron literally winds up and unwinds down. It has Bohr's energy levels in discrete values. Each twist is what mainstream calls a photon or a particle. It explains Dirac's sea of photons/particles in the electron cloud. It is sad. Mainstream thinks, or has been led to think, that particles are spontaneously created and annihilated when these so called virtual particles are really the threaded magnetic helix continuously twisting up and down at various frequencies.
My conception also shows how the electron charges outward and collapses. Really the tip is twisted outward in relation to the proton but this value is much weaker than the charge, i.e. rushing motion, of the proton since the proton is comprised of more Thread.
Most importantly this form is able to generate push and pull simultaneously. It is able to pull in and push out light signals along the parallel EM Rope worked into the assumption of light and gravity. It provides a mechanism whereby the Thread could be reeled in and released out. The electron can form new links of thread perpendicular to the proton. And again as I have mentioned numerous times on this blog, Nature is continuous. The fine structure works, continuously via the Thread configured in a rope like form to and from atoms as well as through atoms.
This form and motion of the electron could help explain a host of phenomena, such as electricity, atomic magnetism, some modes of ionization, some gamma and X signals, Compton scattering, light relay, chemical bonding, aurora, lightning, superconductivity, Cherenkov Radiation, photoelectric effect, pair production and a host of other phenomena, foremost electricity. It also gives something of an interpretation of those weird spirals seen on the particle physicist's reconstructed bumble chamber images.
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