Introducing the Hairy Head Model of the Atom.
If Thomson's "Plum Pudding" was an alpha model, "Hairy Head" is omega. Rutherford, who thought that most of the atom was empty space would be stunned by something like this.
This model is based off of Gaede's Thread Theory, his concept of proton, my concept of electron, and mixed with the idea of critical thread density (an intersection or overlap of Thread through which no more Thread may pass) and some ideas developed by friends at my nuclear physics forum at facebook. Not to mention the host of insights given by many scientists over the years.
Pathways leading into the nucleus are due more to proton pattern and the corresponding distribution of electron threads around the nucleus. Shorter electron threads collect to force a critical density in heavier atoms thus making division. They superpose to establish temporary critical densities in so called heavier atoms. These critical thread densities are built in resistors. And yet the electron threads to separate into factions making an atom like gold a decent conductor. As we move away from the shorter double helical electron threads, there is a host of longer free electrons that move with great ease and can bond with other other gold atoms when heated and then cool to a lattice pattern. The high mobility of longer electrons threads is why gold is soft, malleable, ductile, etc. However the pathways seem narrow thus gold is the least chemically reactant at least at normal temperatures.
Below is another image of a gold atom at extreme temperatures. You notice that the groups of electron threads are more disturbed and displaced widening the pathways.

from Brookhaven's Flickr account
When atoms start vibrating and colliding in dynamic heat relations, longer more mobile double helical electron hairs get displaced or combed to the side or disturbed etc. This leaves the nucleus exposed so that electron hairs from other atoms can easily latch onto protons and rotate them.
Pathways leading into the atom widen as the atom is induced to move more rapidly in heat phenomenon. Atoms with shorter electron hair like helium are less mobile and grouped together closer because of the simplicity or symmetry of the helium nucleons. And so there are no pathways left open for chemical bonding. Helium is practically non reactant. One has to do some crazy stuff to it in order for it to bond.
Let us just say that gold atoms are heated in the crucible and start bonding. Electron hair oscillates in groups and pathways widen leaving the nucleus exposed so that many electron threads of other gold atoms may enter and latch onto protons. Many electron hairs are potentially shared between gold atoms. When they slow down to room temperature the pathways narrow as the hair relaxes to a more ordinary position. And the gold atoms form a lattice consistent with the proton pattern.
When iron is heated, electron hair oscillates as atoms rotate around and collide. This is how electron hairs get stuck in protons and curved around from our fictitious North to South poles (as in polar covalent bonds).
I think this atomic model is far better than the shell concept, cloud concept, solar system concept, plum pudding, etc. In reality these other models don’t work even if they helped produce technology and fine experiments. Like I said above Hairy Head could be the omega model.
In addition, this model is aesthetically pleasing and easy to grasp. Just imagine a woman with long hair skipping around and her hair starts waving, leaving parts of her head exposed. Helium has short hair like a man. Its great!
Finally this is a real physical interpretation. It is not mathematical or purely conceptual. The hair is just an analogy. The fundamental entity that torques into double helical electron thread has different properties and behaves a lot different than human hair. I have described some of these unique properties and behaviors in previous posts. But in reality I assume there are countless double helical electron threads of various lengths bursting out sideways from the proton pending atomic element, much like a human head of hair. The higher the atomic number the more strands of electron hair. Noble gases leave no pathways exposing the nucleus even when they vibrate and collide in heat relations. Hydrogen has fairly long electron hair and the least amount of hair leaving it highly reactant.
The above images were recreated from Brookhaven's Heavy Ion Collider. The folks there seem to think that these images represent quark-gluon plasma (whatever that is). I disagree with them. Thus I doctored the first image and gave my own interpretation. Brookhaven National Lab is funded by the division of Nuclear Physics of he U.S. Department of Energy and many other governments. Since they use our tax dollars, I hold the opinion that I can publicly give my interpretation of their trillion dollar images without monetary or any other sort of profit. This is only for educational purposes.
In any case, just remember to ask your local quantum mechanic or particle physicist which of the gazillion electron threads, 20 gazillion twists of electron thread, or gazillion electric axles that he is trying to locate in and around the nucleus. Good luck with that.

My crude, primitive and idealized concept of electron. The proton shifts into critical density charging the Thread. Essentially what happens is that the magnetic cable of EM Rope reverse twists at the proton.
Another idea

Another commentary on a Brookhaven image:
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