Thursday, January 30, 2014

A History of the Proton

After a series of experiments and meditations, Englishman Ernest Rutherford assumes a discrete entity within the confines of the atom. To the royal association he describes this entity as an 'electric field'. Later he gives the name 'proton' to the hydrogen nucleus. Nuclear physics is born.
Mock up of the first scattering experiments conducted by Rutherford et al. Not long after quantum mechanics is born. Physicists continue to assume discrete fundamental particles even though these notions cannot be reconciled with gravitational phenomenon. Discrete particles cannot possibly mediate gravity---physically---between stars, etc. Scattering experiments continue throughout the 20th century.   The Standard Model of Particle Physics is born in the 70s so as to tame the 'particle zoo'.

In the golden year of 1997, a year before CERN breaks ground on the Large Hadron Collider, an engineer name Guillermo Gaede perfectly conceives the architecture of light. Electromagnetic Rope Hypothesis and Thread Theory are born.  

Gaede follows with a stunning (albeit simplified) model of the Hydrogen Atom in which is embedded the Proton, an intersection of Electric Threads converging from all atoms of the Universe.  The proton is just an inseparable bundle of gazillions of these threads.  That is it.  And extraneous threads feeding other atoms, constantly pass through it.  

Meanwhile CERN and other scientific communities spend billions of dollars to essentially reconstruct an image of a proton-proton collision.  But they interpret the image as a creation and explosion of particles. A mini Big-Bang!!! What?

A Model of the EM Rope Hypothesis and Thread Theory H atom.
EM Ropes extending from all the atoms of the Universe converge and bifurcate to form the atom. Magnetic Threads arc out and twine to in electron configurations. Electric Threads extend to the center in a crisscross pattern to form the proton. Electric Thread density increases as we
approach the center of the atom. This explains
why at some small region near the atom, it
becomes impenetrable.

Particle physicists and quantum mechanics think their billion dollar proton collisions are a creation and explosion of particles like a Big Bang. All these lines represent paths or trajectories of discrete particle balls like muons. They never define their particles and cover all their bases.  Are they kidding?  This is clearly a reconstructed image of what is already there, perhaps a convergence of Electric Threads with Magnetic Threads bursting out at the perimeter.

My $1 dollar model of the proton:  a koosh ball!!!  Proton-proton collision is like two koosh balls thrown at each other.  

Fermilab's billion dollar bullshit. The Electric Threads are taut, however when two protons collide at extreme velocities perhaps Electric Threads bend a bit, since the intersections are impenetrable. Threads, whether Electric or Magnetic, can bend, but they cannot break since they are assumed to be the non-composite fundamental object comprising all atoms.  A fundamental entity comprising all matter cannot be cut into smaller pieces.  This is why light can pass through light unimpeded, without hindrance, without destruction, without interruption, without disturbance..
The underlying assumption of Thread Theory is that all matter is comprised of a single closed loop thread. The amount of thread does not increase or decrease.

A copy of renown physicist Sean Carroll's ridiculous depiction of a proton-proton collision from his book The Particle at the End of the Universe. To quote my friend, the protons look like 'ass hairs'. A far cry from the elegant and rational architecture Gaede proposes. Instead of an ass hair, the proton is where the Electric Threads of the Universe converge from all the stars and galaxies (all atoms).

Supposedly a recreated image of two gold atoms collided at Fermilab. Threads burst out from the center of the atom in double helices.

Discrete Particles or Continuous Threads Converging?

Me trying to sketch out atomic motion within EM Rope Hypothesis

And a little preview of things to come.  I figured out the physical configuration of their mystical 'nuclear force' or 'residual strong force':

"If we assume that nuclei consist of protons and neutrons we have to formulate the simplest law of interaction between them which will lead, if the electrostatic repulsion is negligible, to a constant density for nuclear matter. We have to find three laws of interaction: one between protons, one between protons and neutrons, and one between neutrons. We shall assume, however, that only Coulomb’s force acts between protons { . . . } We assume that there is no noticeable interaction between the neutrons for there is no proof of the contrary." ---Ettore Majorana

And a bonus:

An example of how light could in supposition diffract around objects. Atoms relay torquing light signals rectilinearly by way of the taut EM Ropes connecting all atoms of the Universe

For more see:

The Dazzling Proton!

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