Thursday, February 6, 2014

The Dazzling Proton!


For visual aids please use my article from a couple of days ago:

A History of the Proton in Pictures

The Proton is not made of three discrete quarks held together by gluons. Nor were protons formed in the mythical Big-Bang, a supposed event that never occurred.

After a series of experiments and meditations Rutherford gave the name proton to a hydrogen nucleus.  To the Royal Association he described that "the atom is the seat of an intense electric field".  Of course the mystical catch-all word 'field' refers to a concept. Concepts are an embodiment of the brain: relating two or more objects. Rutherford never assumed a fundamental fine physical 3D entity which aggregate would constitute the proton.  And since Rutherford all they, the mainstream establishment, have assumed is a hierarchy of discrete particles that somehow mediate a mystical force magically holding the proton together. In the early 1900s they were making great insights but they failed to suppose a fundamental physical entity and use that entity to make a unified model of the atom, light, gravity, electricity and magnetism. Soon they got lost in ideas/ideology and started to move ideas in their description of phenomenon.  And then came the particle accelerators.  
In EM Rope Hypothesis & Thread Theory a 'free proton' is synonymous with a hydrogen atom since it is impossible to separate the proton from its weave of magnetic threads arcing out at the atomic perimeter and ultimately twisting straight taut light rays (EM Ropes) extending to all atoms of the Universe. You would literally have to unwind all the stars and galaxies and all atoms to destroy a proton. This of course is impossible.  It is impossible to disintegrate a free proton (e.g. hypothetical proton decay). It would be easier to create something from nothing than for a proton to naturally form or disintegrate.  

The proton is comprised of a converging crisscross of Electric Threads originating from all atoms of the Universe.  Some comparisons of the proton would be a koosh ball, an urchin like entity, a star pattern.  The Electric Threads comprising the proton are all in microcosmic tension due to the vibration and constant 'jumping' of all atoms---torquing signals to all atoms (the C squared concept) via the continuous EM Ropes interconnecting all atoms. This powerful tension of gazillions of crisscrossing Electric Threads making up the kernel of the atom is what the mainstream calls strong interaction or strong force (residual strong force is the triple twined physical configuration of a neutron bound to a proton).

Protons are the ultimate physical structures: built to last forever. And they are beautiful.  They are everything a rational human would expect.  And it is impossible to calculate the age of a proton. One cannot trace a supposed beginning or end of protons since they are literally linked to all the atoms of the Universe.      

In certain circumstances a hydrogen atom can convert to a neutron which would include the transformation of the proton into crisscrossing convergence of EM Ropes (a neutron) as in the example of so called 'electron capture' or 'inverse beta decay'. In electron capture perhaps high frequency torsion signals mediated by the intrinsically connected EM Ropes induce what is essentially a misshapen Hydrogen atom fused to the side of a complex atomic shell configuration, to collapse into a crisscross of EM Ropes (a neutron)---through which torsion signals immediately propagate in all directions to all stars and galaxies along the same continuous EM Ropes connecting all the atoms of the Universe. These twisting light signals conveyed along the EM Ropes are the neutrino ghosts that the established scientific community are spending billions to detect. Neutrinos are twisting light signals linked to decay, fusion, fission and compression events.

Because the proton is not a fundamental particle, it possesses a physical size—although this is not perfectly well-defined since the surface of a proton is somewhat fuzzy, due to being defined by the influence of forces that do not come to an abrupt end. The proton is about 1.6–1.7 fm in diameter. (Wikipedia)

The proton is comprised of Electric Threads converging from all atoms thus it is not the fundamental entity. The Thread weaving all protons and all atoms and configured as EM Rope in between IS the fundamental continuous object.  The Thread physically underlies the entire set of objects in existence.  The Thread is non-composite. The Thread cannot be cut to pieces since it is the finest entity which cannot be broken down, but by some supernatural miracle.

The Electric Threads constituting the proton can bend in the event of a super fast collision, but they cannot break.  So in a proton-proton collision protons may recoil a bit (and perhaps release a neutron) but they do not and cannot break or even stretch.  The Thread is non-composite.  It is unable to be broken down. This may be why these continuous objects can superimpose at the micro-level. But the Threads do not break into pieces or much less explode in a creative sea of particles as is assumed in the ridiculous particle physics and quantum mechanics.  

Within the confines of an atom, Electric Threads extend to the center in a crisscross pattern to form the proton. Electric Thread density increases as one approaches the center of the atom. This explains why at some small region near the atom, it becomes impenetrable and protons can directly collide with one another. The Proton's surface is fuzzy and not perfectly defined due to the asymmetrical arrangement of all the stars and galaxies contributing E threads to an intersection that is the proton's structure. The Electric Threads mingle and perhaps some superpose so as to become a single entity yet all the Threads, I assume, remain distinct and serve as axles of atomic motion.  Since the Electric Threads 'extend' in all directions to all the atoms of the Universe, an atom can move in any direction in accord with constant atomic quantum jumping and vibration however these directions are always straight/rectilinear!!!  Curved trajectories are a conceptual illusion of the mind.   

Scientists are having difficulty measuring the proton since their method is to pass light signals through the nucleus. But the extraneous light rays may be oscillating around single bare Electric Threads of the protons and on their way to other atoms where they bifurcate to contribute to a new atomic structure.  Thus the quantum mechanics have nightmares trying to measure these elusive entities.  

Does the Proton have charge? Charge refers to a concept: a relation between two or more objects. In EM & TT charge refers to the rubbing of two or more threads usually at 90 degree angles. The Electric Threads of the Proton rub together in atomic motion. Perhaps the spin of a proton refers to the constant realignment of Electric Threads in the unending motion of all the H atoms (and atomic elements), stars and galaxies of the Universe.  However the proton does not spin or rotate about its axis like a planet because it is obviously not a discrete bead.  

A Hydrogen ion is a proton with an expanded shell of arcing Magnetic Threads.  Ionization of the H atom could be induced in several ways but that is not the topic here.  

The Sun constantly sheds hydrogen atoms. The movement of these atoms in relation to the Earth and planets is called Solar Wind. The electron shells of these hydrogen atoms may be loosened in relation to their protons due to magnetism. The H atoms are released from their alignment in magnets on the solar surface thus their Magnetic Threads are already loosened and sweeping out in great arcs leaving the proton seemingly bare. This confuses the scientists.  T
hey think that free protons exist where the electric shells of these protons are inherently weaved to the E threads only they sweep out in great arcs.  Exposure to an intersection of E threads (i.e. proton) is dangerous to tissue. The Electric Threads of the exposed proton rip through biochemical compounds.  Fortunately the great arcs of Magnetic Threads originating from the Earth sweep out and deflect these Hydrogen ions. 

We are not made of stardust, essentially our bodies and all bodies comprised of two or more atoms are made of tense converging intersections of bifurcated Light Rays (EM Ropes) called protons and electron shells. Another type of converging intersection of light rays where the EM Ropes do not fork out to form the atoms are neutrons.  EM Ropes crisscross on their way from atoms and meet somewhere.  A neutron is a crisscrossing convergence of EM Ropes.  Sometimes, the bundle of EM Ropes that are Neutrons get caught in the web of the bare electric threads of Protons.  And Neutrons remain grounded in the atom via an exclusive triple twined architecture only possible within the confines of an electron shell.  Some EM Ropes of the Neutron oscillate around bare Electrical Cables of the Proton.


* (please note that Light Rays and the supposed EM Ropes are synonymous in this article.  Light Rays is the affectionate name for Gaede's EM Ropes.)

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